Here you will find, among other documents, the following policies, regulations and/or notices:




It is your responsibility and/or obligation to read to the end.


Purpose and use:

BOSTON SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL or its representative, allows free access to this website to obtain information about its products and services. When, in this document, reference or mention is made to THE COMPANY, it will be understood that it refers to BOSTON SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL or its representative. To ensure a safe and non-offensive environment for all our users, we have established these Terms of Use, which explain the rules of use of our website. By accessing any area or page of this website or, users agree to be legally bound by and abide by the conditions set forth below. They also accept all the regulations; all general and specific policies; and all terms, conditions, and restrictions of THE COMPANY.

Copyright and Permissions:

The copyright of all content included on this website is owned by THE COMPANY. You may not reproduce, store, alter or distribute in any way any material on this website without our prior written permission.


THE COMPANY does not control all activity on this website, but reserves the right to do so.

(a) Security.

Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security measures of this website by, among others, taking the following actions:

(1) Use a false password or password belonging to another user or login details not intended for the user or identify yourself on a server or account for which such user does not have permission to access.

(2) Disclose a password or allow a third party to use a password, or fail to inform THE COMPANY in the event that a password is compromised.

(3) Attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the system or network, or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization.

(4) Attempting to interfere with service to any user, host, or network, including but not limited to overloading, "resource overflow," "e-mail bombing," or "computer crashing."

(5) Send spam such as promotions and/or advertising of products or services, among others.

(6) Altering TCP/IP packet headers, either in whole or in part, in e-mails or in messages sent to newsgroups.

(7) Hack all or any part of the content of the website, deleting or changing any content on the website, or including a link to the website, without our express written permission.

(b) General Rules.

Users agree to use this website only for legitimate purposes. Users may not use this website to transmit, distribute, store or destroy material: (a) that violates any applicable law or regulation, (b) in a manner that infringes the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right of others, or infringes the privacy or publicity or other personal rights of others or (c) that is libelous, obscene, offensive, intimidating, defamatory, abusive, or objectionable.

(c) Infringements of Use.

THE COMPANY may determine in its sole discretion whether a use violates these rules and act as it deems necessary, in the event of a violation. Breaches of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. THE COMPANY will investigate cases that may give rise to such violations, which may include cooperating with and disclosing information to law enforcement authorities in order to identify and prosecute users who are implicated in such violations.

(d) Termination of Use.

THE COMPANY may terminate or suspend a user's access to all or part of this website, without notice, for any conduct that THE COMPANY, in its sole discretion, deems to be a violation of these Terms, any applicable law, or as an action detrimental to the interests of another user.

Sending information:

It is THE COMPANY's policy not to accept or consider any ideas or materials, of any kind, unwanted. DO NOT send material with these characteristics. If you violate this prohibition, we reserve the right to treat all submitted materials as non-confidential and free of any claims of proprietary or personal rights. Such material and all rights arising therefrom shall be owned by us, shall not be the subject of any claim by you or others, and may be used by THE COMPANY for any purpose, including advertising and promotion, nor shall it be subject to compensation or obligation of any kind to anyone, including you.

Internet and links:

THE COMPANY assumes no responsibility for the security of this website or your communications with the website or the Internet. It is strictly forbidden to link other websites to this website without the prior written permission of THE COMPANY. We may allow some links where we deem it appropriate, but THE COMPANY will not be responsible for any unaffiliated website to which it is linked or for material posted on this website by a person/entity outside of THE COMPANY. Please note that the privacy policies and policies of linked sites may differ from those of THE COMPANY and should be reviewed by you when using the link to any other website.

Prohibited Uses:

It is strictly forbidden to use or contact this website to alter or damage the website, its contents or its security measures or to verbally attack or discredit THE COMPANY or its products, services or personnel. The sending of unwanted e-mail (spam) to or through this website is also prohibited. None of the means or contact details contained in this website are valid for sending or receiving requests, complaints, claims or the like. The use of any type of artificial intelligence or assisted artificial intelligence to make use of this website, its social networks and its contact channels in any way is expressly prohibited.

THE COMPANY owns, protects and enforces Copyright in its own creative materials and respects the intellectual property of others. This website contains third-party materials and links to third-party websites, portals, and directories. As a result, third-party materials, which are not owned by or controlled by THE COMPANY, are included on or linked to the website, or stored or transmitted by or through THE COMPANY's website. To the best of THE COMPANY's knowledge, these materials do not infringe the copyrights of others. Upon receipt of a properly documented notice of claimed infringement (the following section explains how to properly make a notification), THE COMPANY will respond promptly in order to follow the procedures for resolving the claim between the notifying party and the alleged infringer who supplied the materials in question, resulting in, where appropriate, the removal or disabling of access to the materials that are the subject of such infringement or the removal or disabling of access to links to such material. In accordance with its policy, THE COMPANY will terminate its relationships with third parties that repeatedly infringe the rights of others when it becomes aware that such parties have repeatedly committed violations in connection with the use of THE COMPANY's websites, links, storage and communication systems and networks. The designated agent (i.e., the correct person) to whom you should address such notification is: JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ ORTIZ, e-mail:

How to report a claim of infringement:

If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide THE COMPANY's designated agent with the following information in writing:

(1.) A description of the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed.

(2.) A description of each location where the alleged infringing material is located, with sufficient detail that we can locate it.

(3.) Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

(4.) A statement by you that you certify, in good faith, that the disputed use is not authorized by you, your agent, or the law.

(5.) A statement by you made under penalty of perjury that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

(6.) Your valid or physical electronic signature, or the valid electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on your behalf.

The contact details of THE COMPANY's designated agent for notification of claims of copyright infringement are as follows:

Name of the notification agent: JOSÉ LUIS RODRÍGUEZ ORTIZ, email:

Pursuant to THE COMPANY's Privacy Policy, THE COMPANY respects the privacy of users of its website.


This website is provided as is and without warranties of any kind. THE COMPANY is not responsible for any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or for any title or non-infringement. THE COMPANY is not responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy, precision or imprecision, availability or unavailability, uninterrupted or interrupted availability, viruses or other defects of the website or its contents. Under no circumstances shall THE COMPANY (or its shareholders or partners, owners, partners, representatives or content authors) be liable for any damages, of any kind, caused to users, their computer systems or others, even in the event that THE COMPANY has been informed of the possibility of the existence of such damages, nor can this act be considered an act of negligence. The veracity, validity, or updating of the information or data contained in this website and its derivations (including links) cannot be guaranteed and is not guaranteed. All information and data shall be considered (subjective) opinions of its author(s) and should not be considered entirely real; Therefore, it is the obligation of the user of the website to validate through the best existing source the veracity and reality of all information and data.

Applicable Law:

This website is controlled by THE COMPANY, in Colombia. As such, the website, like the rules described herein, is subject to the laws of the Republic of Colombia, regardless of where the user is located, and any claim of any kind related to it must be addressed in accordance with the laws of Colombia.

Acceptance and clarifications:

By using this website, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, which will govern any use you make of this website and the results resulting therefrom.

All rates, information, offers and/or advertising contained in any of the messages or communications of THE COMPANY are valid and valid for a maximum period of time until November thirty (30), or less if so mentioned in any other media, channel, piece or document; which is also applicable to any other information and/or advertising published through other media or channels of THE COMPANY or its establishments. In addition, for all rates, information, offers and/or advertising of THE COMPANY terms, conditions and restrictions apply, available when exploring the website By contacting THE COMPANY through any channel or by replying to any of its messages, the sender of the communication (who contacts THE COMPANY) is accepting the different policies, data policies and other matters and legal documents mentioned and accessible in; additionally, you are authorizing us to send you any type of information, advertising or offers by any means, channel or calls, making use of the data that you have provided or allowed us to know, including: a telephone number, a WhatsApp number or account, or an email; More information can be found by exploring the previously mentioned website. The owner of the data may request THE COMPANY to delete one or more of their data from one or more databases of THE COMPANY, through the means, forms, procedures and channels provided in the privacy and data policy that can be found on the aforementioned website.


THE COMPANY reserves the right to make changes to this website and these terms at any time, changes which will be effective on the date they are posted on the website.



Updated: January 02, 2025.

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1. Scope and application:

BOSTON SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL or its representative, in order to comply with its corporate purpose, collects, stores and uses personal data and information through different methods, means and channels, including: referral systems, cookies and video recording monitoring of its face-to-face and non-face-to-face visitors, prospects, message senders, employees, customers, users, contractors and/or suppliers (all equally both face-to-face and non-face-to-face). When, in this document, reference or mention is made to THE COMPANY, it will be understood that it refers to BOSTON SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL or its representative. By means of this document/manual, and in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of October 17, 2012, and its Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, and other applicable and concordant regulations, THE COMPANY adopts a Privacy, Treatment and Data Protection Policy Manual that regulates the way in which THE COMPANY collects, uses, stores, safeguards, circulates, processes, transfers, deletes, modifies, updates, corrects and otherwise processes information and personal data of individuals. THE COMPANY, within its institution, has taken all the necessary measures and technological mechanisms to apply these policies, thus fully complying with current regulations. THE COMPANY is responsible for and in charge of the processing of personal data of its visitors, prospects, senders, employees, customers, users, contractors and/or suppliers for different business purposes, including:

To achieve efficient communication related to our products, services, offers, promotions, alliances, studies, contests, content, as well as those of our related companies, and to facilitate general access to their information; provide our products and/or services; to inform about new products and/or services that are related to the contract(s) or purchased(s); to comply with obligations owed to our visitors, prospects, senders, employees, customers, users, contractors and/or suppliers; inform about changes to our products and/or services; evaluate the quality of our products and/or services; and to carry out internal studies on consumption habits.


All rates, information, offers and/or advertising contained in any of the messages or communications of THE COMPANY are valid and valid for a maximum period of time until November thirty (30), or less if so mentioned in any other media, channel, piece or document; which is also applicable to any other information and/or advertising published through other media or channels of THE COMPANY or its establishments. In addition, for all rates, information, offers and/or advertising of THE COMPANY terms, conditions and restrictions apply, available when exploring the website By contacting THE COMPANY through any channel or by replying to any of its messages, the sender of the communication (who contacts THE COMPANY) is accepting the different policies, data policies and other legal matters and documents mentioned or accessible in; additionally, you are authorizing us to send you any type of information, advertising or offers by any means, channel or calls, making use of the data that you have provided or allowed us to know, including: a telephone number, a WhatsApp number or account, or an email; More information can be found by exploring the previously mentioned website. The owner of the data may request THE COMPANY to delete one or more of their data from one or more databases of THE COMPANY, through the means, forms, procedures and channels provided in the privacy and data policy that can be found on the aforementioned website.

2. Obligations of THE COMPANY:

The obligations of THE COMPANY are:

Guarantee the owner of the data the full and effective exercise of the right of habeas data; try to preserve the information under the necessary security conditions to prevent its adulteration, loss, consultation, use or unauthorized or fraudulent access; to ensure that the information provided is updated and to ensure that the information provided is kept up to date; try to rectify information when it is incorrect; try to rectify incorrect data, either due to any circumstance, including typing, writing, comprehension, mechanical, technical, technological or human error, which will also be applicable to errors in the sending of emails, text messages, messages in general, correspondence, telephone calls, virtual calls and the like, considering that being an error, THE COMPANY shall be excluded from any legal or juridical liability and it shall be sufficient to offer an apology at any time after a response has been requested or a request has been submitted by the owner of the data or information. Any application or change can take up to several months, due to different circumstances, including technical ones.

3. Purpose of data processing:

The personal data, contact data and the information referred to above is requested or collected by THE COMPANY for the purposes of its storage, use, especially to allow access to the interactive mechanisms of THE COMPANY, as well as to achieve efficient communication, by any means known or hereafter known, related to our products, services, offers, promotions, alliances, studies, contests, content, as well as those of our related companies, and to facilitate general access to their information, to provide our products and/or services, to inform about new products and/or services that are related to the contract(s) or acquired, to comply with obligations contracted with our customers, users, suppliers, and employees, to inform about changes to our products and/or services, to evaluate the quality of our products and/or services, to transfer their data to companies, companies or institutions of the group of companies or companies of THE COMPANY (if any) anywhere in the world, to carry out internal studies on consumption habits, and to use cookies for subsequent contacts of the people who have accessed the website of THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY may share and transfer its databases to companies, companies or institutions belonging to the Group of companies, establishments, shops, branches, businesses or companies of THE COMPANY (if any) anywhere in the world, as well as to its partners or natural or legal allies. THE COMPANY may contact, by any means or channel, and at any time, the owner of the data or data, in order to make offers, inquiries, requests, offers, promotions, marketing, provide information, request information and any other action that is not expressly restricted by Colombian Law.

4. Rights of the individual:

4.1 Right of access to personal data.

The query will be made by the means authorized by THE COMPANY, as long as proof of this can be maintained.

4.2 Right to correction.

The owner of the data or his/her successors who consider that the information contained in a database of THE COMPANY should be subject to correction, updating or deletion, may first file a claim with THE COMPANY, for which THE COMPANY has made available to its visitors, prospects, senders of messages, employees, customers, users, contractors and/or suppliers; and from all those people whose data are processed in THE COMPANY's databases, the following email: The claim will be made by means of a request addressed to THE COMPANY with the identification of the owner of the data, the description of the facts that give rise to the claim, the address, email, cell phone and accompanied by the documents that you want to assert. If the complaint is incomplete, it will be understood as incompetent, inept and inadmissible and will not require a response.

4.3 Right to object to direct marketing actions.

THE COMPANY will comply with any request by an individual not to use their personal data for direct marketing purposes, as long as this is done through the contractual means authorized by THE COMPANY.

4.4 Right to Be Deleted.

The owner of the data may request THE COMPANY to be removed from its database, by means of a request by email to

Updated: January 02, 2025.

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When, in this document, reference or mention is made to THE COMPANY, it will be understood that it refers to BOSTON SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL or its representative.

PART ONE - General Terms, Conditions and Restrictions:

The first part of this document regulates the Terms, conditions and restrictions applicable to all "advertising campaigns, promotions, offers, advertising and information in general" (hereinafter, throughout the document, the word Campaign will be used, or failing that, Campaigns, to refer to the above indicated with quotation marks) issued by THE COMPANY. Throughout this document, when referring to the student, reference will also be made to the user (likewise, when mentioning the student, reference will be made to the buyer, the client, the consultant, the contractor of any educational product or service or any other product or service – including, among others, professional services, consulting, advisory, downloading of tangible or intangible products, of other tangible or intangible products or services), it being understood that when the student or user is a minor, the guardian or guardian of the minor will be his/her representative in cases in which, according to the laws, decrees and resolutions of the Republic of Colombia, it is necessary or mandatory; In addition, when the student or user corresponds to a person of legal age or 18 years of age, the word "student" shall also refer to the purchaser and contractual responsible for any educational product or service or any other product or service (including, but not limited to, professional services, consulting, advisory, downloading of tangible or intangible products, of other tangible or intangible products or services). When in any part of this document there is doubt, duplicity or confusion regarding part of the content of this document with any of the institutional policies, the one that is more explicit or detailed will prevail. Suppliers and other stakeholders will be subject to the general, special and variable Terms, Conditions and restrictions when these are favorable to THE COMPANY. These terms will also regulate everything that has not been regulated by a higher standard, policy or regulation, and that has a direct or indirect relationship with THE COMPANY. All this additional information will have to be consulted by whoever reads this document, before instituting any lawsuit, complaint and/or request; information that will be available through the website

These Terms, conditions and restrictions will form part of the Terms, conditions and restrictions that are set or agreed to for each of the Campaigns.

These Terms, conditions and restrictions will be applicable within the term of validity established in the Terms, conditions and restrictions defined for each of the Campaigns, in case the validity is not defined, it will be terminated at the time in which the corresponding Campaign is no longer published or is replaced by a similar or more updated one.

In the event of any difference or confusion between these General Terms, Conditions and Restrictions and the Terms, Conditions and Special Restrictions or the Variable Terms, Conditions and Restrictions of each of the Campaigns, the provisions of the Terms, Conditions and Variable Restrictions of each of the Campaigns shall prevail when the latter are more specific, but may never exceed the limitations, validity and enforceability of the General Terms, Conditions and Restrictions.

For anything not explicitly regulated in the Special Terms, Conditions and Restrictions or in the Variable Terms, Conditions and Restrictions of each of the Campaigns, these General Terms, Conditions and Restrictions shall apply.

In relation to the content of the General Terms, Conditions and Restrictions, the Special Terms, Conditions and Restrictions and the Variable Terms, Conditions and Restrictions applicable to each of the Campaigns, THE COMPANY reserves the right to unilaterally modify such General, Special or Variable Terms, Conditions and Restrictions, in whole or in part, at any time and without prior notice. Modifications to the General, Special or Variable Terms, Conditions and Restrictions will be effective immediately.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to unilaterally and early terminate any of the Campaigns that are active. Termination shall be effective immediately. Candidates who have decided to participate in the Campaign prior to its end will be informed directly how their situation will be handled.

Digital classes, lessons, or sessions are equivalent to online classes, lessons, or sessions and do not require a synchronous connection; Likewise, digital environments are online environments and do not require synchronous connections.

Any information related to the products, services, programs, projects, courses or similar offered by THE COMPANY may be consulted on the website

The terms, conditions and restrictions of the Service Contract (if any) applicable between THE COMPANY and its students, users, buyers, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders can be consulted at

These General Terms, Conditions and Restrictions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Colombia.

Any personal or contact data that is collected by virtue of any of the COMPANY Campaigns will be treated in accordance with its Privacy and Data Protection Policy, which can be consulted at

PART TWO - Special Terms, Conditions and Restrictions:

The second part of this document contains the Terms, conditions and special restrictions applicable to all Campaigns issued by THE COMPANY. These Terms, conditions and special restrictions will form part of the Terms, conditions and restrictions that are set or agreed to for each of the Campaigns.

The Special Terms, Conditions and Restrictions are as follows:

Payments will be made during the first week of each month in accordance with the applicable rates and promotions agreed with the student, including users, buyers and customers. Failure to attend a class or negligence by the student (including users, purchasers, and customers) of a product and/or service will not relieve the student (including users, purchasers, and customers) from paying for it. The value and timing of payments will not be negotiable under any circumstances.

The student (including users, buyers and customers) of legal age or the guardian of a minor must sign a contract for the provision of services, read and accept the rules that will be on this website (the student – including users, buyers and customers – must request the link or URL if these rules are not given with the contract). The student (including users, buyers and customers) will be responsible for strictly complying with the corresponding internal regulations, institutional policies and other internal rules and those enshrined by the laws of Colombia, and will also be responsible for the request for the formalization of the aforementioned contract by the means provided by THE COMPANY. The internal academic and disciplinary regulations are mandatory and can be consulted at (all regulations, manuals and others that are applicable on the aforementioned website to "ALIANZA MIAMI" or "THE INSTITUTION" will be applicable to THE COMPANY).

Registration dates and costs will be non-negotiable with the student (including users, buyers, and customers) under any circumstances.

No amount paid to THE COMPANY will be returned under any circumstances, nor may it be transferred to another person.

Attendees or companions are not allowed in the lessons, consultancies or other services, unless authorized in writing by THE COMPANY.

Promotions and/or discounts are not cumulative in any way.

The means of payment authorized by THE COMPANY are cash, credit cards, debit cards, money orders and transfers through legally recognized networks (channels, methods and means explicitly provided and authorized by THE COMPANY).

Books and other tangible or intangible materials, as well as the value of the registration or registration, could be given by THE COMPANY to the user or the signatory of the contract, out of mere liberality, clarifying that this would apply exclusively when required by the signed contract and is only valid and applicable for a single semester. It is required to be up to date with the total payment of the service, the module or the corresponding fee to receive said material, material that can be physical, virtual or digital.

From the moment of purchase or signing of the contract, the total value of the service or module may be deferred in five consecutive and equal monthly installments, regardless of the duration of the contract or how many hours of instruction or service are received in a given period of time, with prior authorization by THE COMPANY to make deferred payments with each student (including users, buyers and customers). The purchase of products from THE COMPANY cannot be deferred and will be paid before delivery.

To pass a course, module or diploma, the student must attend at least 80% of the hours oriented in each one. To pass a course, module or diploma, the student must equal or exceed 70% of the maximum possible grade after having weighted the result, according to the procedures established by THE COMPANY. The student will be obliged to dedicate a number of hours of extra-class study, equivalent to the number of face-to-face, virtual or digital hours agreed with THE COMPANY.

If a student does not pass a final exam, he/she will be called for a second opportunity (if THE COMPANY deems it necessary —this could have an additional cost—) on the date, time, place and channel established by THE COMPANY, the student will be obliged to attend. The student may pass or fail a course, module or diploma.

Late entry or early withdrawal from each class, lesson or session will be a responsibility that the student must assume. The teacher, tutor, evaluator, advisor, consultant or THE COMPANY will have the power to validate or not validate partially or totally the corresponding grades as well as the attendance.

THE COMPANY reserves the right of admission and expulsion in the event of any behavioral or attitudinal difficulty of the student (including users, buyers and customers) or anyone who has a direct or indirect relationship with him.

The student (including users, buyers and customers) must abide by the rules established in the internal regulations, policies, procedures and other guidelines of THE COMPANY, otherwise, THE COMPANY may unilaterally terminate the contract or relationship at any time. Failure to comply with duties of any kind by the student (including users, buyers and customers), as well as their bad behaviour may be immediate grounds for cancellation of the contract or relationship without any type of compensation from THE COMPANY.

When a student (including users, buyers, and customers) makes a request for re-entry, they will not have to repeat the last course to reinforce their knowledge, as long as no more than one year has elapsed since their withdrawal. In case of exceeding one year since retirement, THE COMPANY must carry out a study of the corresponding case and evaluate it again if necessary, to know if it will have to repeat the last course or if it will be able to continue without the interruption of its process.

The validation of the knowledge acquired in another institution, establishment or company will be carried out based on the requested documents and the necessary exams as provided by THE COMPANY.

The pedagogical, andragogic, didactic and other strategies used in each modality or age distribution vary according to the classification of the group or student (including users, buyers and customers); therefore, they will not necessarily have to be the same or similar.

People with some type of disability will be welcome, however, they must inform THE COMPANY about it during the registration process.

The student (including users, buyers and customers) may request the change of group or schedule only once during each course, after checking and approving availability by THE COMPANY.

THE COMPANY can schedule lessons, classes or sessions in any city, headquarters, media, channel or modality; both its own and allies.

The dates for the respective exams, evaluations and grades in general may not be modified without the prior authorization of THE COMPANY.

When a student (including users, buyers and customers) needs to alternate a schedule temporarily or permanently, he/she must inform THE COMPANY so that the necessary suggestions can be made. Whenever this student (including users, buyers and customers) attends a group that is not the one that officially corresponds to them in the system, they must inform at the end so that their attendance and grades are validated, it being understood that the alternation will always be the responsibility of the same student (including users, buyers and customers).

Groups may be merged, rescheduled, or canceled at any time, without prior notice, just as teachers may be changed without prior notice and without a limit on the number of changes.

The maximum number of students per group will be decided by THE COMPANY according to the capacity of each room or classroom, whether physical, virtual or a digital space.

The opening of each group, consultancy, conference, course, module, diploma or service is subject to meeting the minimum number of students (including users, buyers and customers) or payments required by THE COMPANY.

All contact information, including website domains, email addresses, physical addresses, virtual addresses, digital addresses, landlines, mobile phones, virtual phones, social networks, private networks, applications, services by virtual or digital platforms, as well as the hours of operation, work and/or provision of services may be modified, deleted or merged at any time without notice.

The parents or guardians will be solely responsible for the minors during their stay in the place where the class or service is carried out or received. No minor may leave THE COMPANY during class hours without the express authorization of their guardian, and, if they do, it will not be the responsibility of THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY reserves the discretionary right to verify the veracity of the identity of whoever removes a minor from one of the places of THE COMPANY, without this being an obligation or duty, since it has already been mentioned who would be solely responsible for the implications of this action. For this reason, it is obligatory that the adults or guardians responsible for minors provide permanent, visual and active accompaniment to minors in all places, times and times. In any case, THE COMPANY will not have any responsibility, of any kind, other than academic, towards its students (including users, buyers and customers).

We (THE COMPANY) do not carry out procedures to acquire visas or passports, however, we have alliances with international exchange entities that perform related functions. At no time, under any circumstances, will THE COMPANY be responsible for the inaccuracy of the information or the general consequences of any kind, except in the case of a third party.

We (THE COMPANY) have inter-institutional alliances with institutions specialized in academic and labor exchanges with the United States and several European countries. At no time, under any circumstances, will THE COMPANY be responsible for the inaccuracy of the information or the general consequences of any kind, except in the case of a third party.

THE COMPANY (nor the author of any type of material or content offered, offered, sold or provided by THE COMPANY) is not responsible for any damage, deterioration or loss of money or any other asset or asset due to the products, materials, content or services offered, offered, sold or provided directly or indirectly, including books, subscriptions, audio, video, or text material, or the like; regardless of whether they are physical, digital, virtual, interactive, streaming, artificial intelligence, machine learning or the Internet of Things.

The student (including users, buyers and customers) will be held legally and criminally responsible for any damage or harm caused to THE COMPANY, its personnel, goods or belongings.

Any detrimental action or response, of one's own opinion or that negatively compromises THE COMPANY, by one or more of THE COMPANY's employees, contractors, workers, suppliers or competitors will be the responsibility of THE COMPANY, but not of THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY may determine in which cases an action or response represents the attitude and work of the company.

On some occasions THE COMPANY will schedule some extracurricular, integration, recreational activities or field trips related to the learning or coexistence of the direct or indirect members of THE COMPANY. The care of the physical, mental, intimate, sexual, monetary integrity and belongings will be the exclusive responsibility of each attendee, it also applies to the curricular and own activities of THE COMPANY and in no scenario THE COMPANY may be blamed or be pointed out as responsible for damages or losses of this type of actions.

In the exceptional case of being authorized to return any money or the payment of an economic guarantee, these payments will be made within the following 180 business days of said authorization. In the event that it is not possible to make such payment within that period, THE COMPANY will contact the object of the payment to let them know the reason why said term or period will be extended for 90 more business days.

The student (including users, buyers and customers) must always carry their identity document for any procedure or authorization they require.

The use of cards or uniforms by students will be mandatory only from the moment of its implementation, meanwhile teachers, tutors, other contractors and administrative or various trades personnel must always be duly identified and it will be their responsibility that this is complied with.

All certificates, certifications, diplomas and certificates of THE COMPANY are valid before any public or private institution, clarifying that it is the power of each institution or company to accept or reject such documents, according to its internal regulations or administrative decisions. The student is solely and directly responsible for ensuring the acceptability of each document.

The consultancies will be guided only with the express authorization of THE COMPANY, since, according to the current curricular design, they are not strictly necessary.

The allocation of scholarships, subsidies or subsidies will not be mandatory by THE COMPANY and will be subject to the administrative decisions made by the person in charge of this issue.

THE COMPANY makes alliances and agreements with companies and other institutions for the provision of its services in order to meet the specific needs of each sector. Any company or institution may request the services of THE COMPANY at any time. In classes, lessons or group sessions, the student must advance at the pace of the syllabus or curricular design established by THE COMPANY; if you require greater intensity, you may request private or private classes, lessons or sessions at an additional cost established by THE COMPANY, after verifying the availability of teachers, service providers, classrooms, agendas and schedules.

THE COMPANY may offer the cafeteria or shop service at the times and terms established by it, in order to provide a much more comprehensive service. THE COMPANY is not responsible for the incompatibility of the products with each person's body.

Classes, lessons or private or private sessions will have an hourly cost of forty (40) minutes already established that must be paid before the start of the same in the place or channel approved by THE COMPANY, after verification of the availability of teachers, service providers, classrooms, agendas and schedules. The cost will be the same for one or two students who attend it.

THE COMPANY may have closed circuit television and alarm and communication systems, the student (including users, buyers and customers) accepts the use of these devices and this technology to contribute, as far as possible, to the safety of the entire community, as well as for procedures and internal, administrative or academic matters of THE COMPANY.

The personal and contact details of each student must remain updated to THE COMPANY. It is understood that the student accepts the responsible handling of all their data by THE COMPANY.

All times, places, channels, modalities and methods are subject to change at any time, without prior notice, due to atypical, temporary or permanent circumstances.

All adjectives and descriptors (especially in the Campaigns, websites, social networks and dissemination channels) in the singular or plural, regardless of their gender, including "high quality, experience, low cost, economy, excellent and good", are strictly based on the obvious or logical opinion of the Legal Representative, the owner of THE COMPANY or THE COMPANY, and they cannot be assumed to be accurate.

The number of registrants or registrations in a given time refers to the average number of users or potential users who approach THE COMPANY to make their corresponding registration, pre-registration or registration in our databases, these registration, pre-registration or registration services do not always have a cost.

The number of graduates refers to the number of records of completion of a course, module, diploma, program, conference attendees, consultancies or other services provided or cooperatively offered by THE COMPANY or by any of the members of its team. Each time a person completes a course, module, diploma, program, attendance at a conference or similar, attendance at a consultancy or other service, it is counted as a graduate, a graduate or a graduate, thus the same person may correspond to several or similar graduates.

English for everyone, English for everyone or its similar refers to the fact that all people have or will have the opportunity to train with THE COMPANY at some point in their lives.

THE COMPANY's methodology is based or referenced on the main foundations of the international standards established or adopted by entities and institutions such as the British Council, European Council, Ministry of Education, ELT, CEFRL, Colombia Very Well, Colombia Bilingüe, bilingual plans and programs of national or territorial government, or foreign institutions, among others; this is alluded to by each of the corresponding logos or images present in all the informative or advertising material and content of THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY is a legally constituted establishment or group of establishments, of an informal nature, in accordance with the National Education Law. Each of the courses, modules, diplomas, programs, conference attendance, consultancy assistance or other services carried out by a user will be valid independently of the other courses, modules, diplomas, programs, conference attendance, consultancy assistance or other services carried out for less than 160 hours. The number of hours of instruction will always be based on approximations and will vary between academic and non-academic hours as appropriate.

Expressions such as all ages, all schedules or similar expressions refer to the ages and times most requested by users. THE COMPANY reserves the right to reclassify a student at any time, when it deems it necessary because of their level of performance, age or disability or other reason.

Rates and services may be adopted, modified, merged or suppressed by THE COMPANY at any time and without prior notice.

Excellent teachers, specialized teachers and similar expressions refer to the description that each employee, worker, contractor or teacher receives from the Legal Representative of THE COMPANY, the owner of THE COMPANY or THE COMPANY, based on their merits, abilities or experience.

One megamodule equals one module. At no time may it contain 160 hours or more.

When licensed and/or native teachers are mentioned, reference is made to some of the teachers, but they do not always have to be part of THE COMPANY, since the human resource can vary for many reasons beyond THE COMPANY's control or due to total or partial unavailability of service.

The validity of advertising or information that is not clearly defined will cease at the time it ceases to be published or eight days after publication if it has not been used by users or potential users. THE COMPANY may modify, renew, terminate or extend the terms at any time without prior notice.

All the methodology, theme, didactics, pedagogy or andragogy; including assignments, exams and grades may be modified by THE COMPANY at any time and without prior notice.

In the event of force majeure or fortuitous event, THE COMPANY may make the decision to provide its virtual services in person or digitally, or its face-to-face or digital services virtually, partially or totally.

The classification or proficiency exams will be applied and graded according to the criteria of THE COMPANY.

It cannot be guaranteed that the progress in the learning process of a minor will be equal to that of an adult, but it is expected to be close. The levels set forth as objectives to be achieved with the different courses, modules, diplomas, programs, conferences, consultancies or other services are of reference, but may differ from the results from one user to another user for multiple reasons, including lack of commitment or lack of attendance of the student. THE COMPANY is not responsible for these types of results and cases. In cases where a student is trained at night or on Sundays, the student and his or her guardian will be solely responsible in all cases, as previously clarified.

Training to prepare for international exams or higher education topics will have permanent variations when compared to other language trainings. The student must consult the information in this regard, only through

The availability and type of clubs, as well as the schedules and age differentiation are subject to the capacity and other decisions of THE COMPANY.

THE COMPANY may offer and guide any type of course, module, diploma, program, conference, consultancy or other service when there is no explicit law that prohibits it.

Second or third language courses offered as a free or partially free additional benefit will be assigned according to the availability of human, virtual, technological, and physical resources.

For THE COMPANY, only guarantees contractually agreed by the parties and that do not contravene any other legal, administrative or internal rule or policy will be valid.

PART THREE - Variable Terms, Conditions and Restrictions:

The third part of this document contains the Terms, conditions and variable restrictions applicable to specific Campaigns issued by THE COMPANY.

The Special Terms, Conditions and Restrictions are as follows:

None at the moment. For this reason, all Campaigns will be governed by the first and second parts of this document.

PART FOUR - Clarifications:

All rates, information, offers and/or advertising contained in any of the messages or communications of THE COMPANY are valid and valid for a maximum period of time until November thirty (30), or less if so mentioned in any other media, channel, piece or document; which is also applicable to any other information and/or advertising published through other media or channels of THE COMPANY or its establishments. In addition, for all rates, information, offers and/or advertising of THE COMPANY terms, conditions and restrictions apply, available when exploring the website By contacting THE COMPANY through any channel or by replying to any of its messages, the sender of the communication (who contacts THE COMPANY) is accepting the different policies (including data processing and privacy policies) and other matters and legal documents mentioned and accessible in; additionally, you are authorizing us (THE COMPANY) to send you any type of information, advertising or offers by any means, channel or calls, making use of the data that you have provided or allowed us to know, including: a telephone number, a WhatsApp number or account, or an email; More information can be found by exploring the previously mentioned website. The owner of the data may request THE COMPANY to delete one or more of their data from one or more databases of THE COMPANY, through the means, forms, procedures and channels provided in the data and privacy policy that can be found on the aforementioned website.

Updated: January 02, 2025.

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